Restorative Dentistry

Inlays And Onlays For Custom Same-Day Tooth Restorations

At William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we perform many tooth restorations for urgent care patients. We’ve been restoring teeth since 1981 for our valued patients. We fill cavities. We repair broken teeth. We place dental implants after a tooth extraction. Regardless of the extent of the tooth damage—or if the

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Bridging The Gap

Do you have a missing tooth that is detracting from your otherwise pleasing smile? Let William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry fill the gap for you with a dental bridge. A bridge consists of two or more crowns on either side of the gap created by your missing tooth. The neighboring

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Schedule Your Coronation with Dental Crowns in San Antonio

We treat all of our patients like royalty here at William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, but some of them receive actual crowns. We’re not talking about crowns a king or queen wears, but dental crowns in San Antonio for your teeth! If you live near San Antonio, William J. Stewart

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The Health And Beauty Consequences Of Missing Teeth in San Antonio

Today’s message focuses on bone health and missing teeth in San Antonio. Our teeth have many essential functions. We need them to chew our food, talk, and smile. But have you ever considered their role in holding up your face? When we lose teeth, the bone around the site of the extraction begins to shrink. This,

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Ask Us About Denture-Stabilization Implants in San Antonio

The condition of your teeth has a significant impact on your health and well-being. Denture wearers understand this all too well. The path from oral health to a toothless mouth is downhill. Tooth decay and gum disease are painful. Treatment such as fillings and root canals can strain the budget. If the teeth can’t be saved,

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Is Malocclusion Causing Your Headache in San Antonio?

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Have you tried migraine medication, diet adjustments, and chiropractic treatment? Perhaps the cause is not stress-induced tension, food allergies, spine alignment, or eyestrain. Maybe the culprit is right under your nose. Bite misalignment or malocclusion is a fairly common abnormality yet frequently goes undetected. Nature intended the front teeth to

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5 Great Reasons To Get Yourself A New Perfect Smile in San Antonio

Hello! When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? If the answer is, ‘Not really,’ then you may want to consider these 5 great reasons to achieve a perfect smile in San Antonio with cosmetic and restorative dentistry. 1. Even one or two procedures can make a big difference. Some of

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Mind Your Dental Hygiene in San Antonio

There are many simple things we all can do do improve our dental health and hygiene. One is to see William J. Stewart DDS in San Antonio for a cleaning and checkup every six months. Another thing involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it. But, don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the

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Restore Or Replace: Restorative Dentistry in San Antonio

There is more than one way to fix a tooth. If you are the lucky owner of perfect teeth, you may never need any of these procedures. But, if you are like a lot of our San Antonio patients, you may need to restore a tooth eventually. This post looks at restorative dentistry procedures that

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Don’t Bite The Dentist, San Antonio!

Do you find that biting down hard is painful or awkward? There are ways to find the source of the trouble and there are ways to make it right.

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