Dental Crowns

Crown Or Veneer?

I am Dr. Levi Jurich of Jurich Dental Family Cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry in San Antonio. Jurich Dental offers multiple cosmetic dental procedures to create remarkable smiles. Two of the most popular procedures are dental crowns and porcelain veneers. Many patients don’t understand the difference between the two. Generally, a crown strengthens a compromised tooth

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What If My Dental Crown Cracks, Comes Loose, or Comes Off?

What do you do if your dental crown moves or comes off completely? It may have broken or come off while brushing, flossing, or even simply eating. If this has happened to you, don’t stress Jurich Dental is here for you. Here is what to do if your crown comes off. There are three steps:

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Tooth Bleaching Fact and Fiction

You have probably seen ads for lightening products contain terms such as “white brite,” “22 carbamide peroxide” and “peroxide teeth.” How do you separate tooth-bleaching fact from fiction? For the best results, consult a dentist Some tooth whitening dentists will guarantee fantastic results for any patient that desires a whiter smile. At Jurich Dental Family

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Smile Like You Mean It!

Have you ever noticed how some people never show a genuine smile? Even in a family picture, they stay tight-lipped. Even if they’re laughing at the funniest joke ever, they cover their mouths. At Jurich Dental Family, Cosmetic, and Sedation Dentistry in San Antonio and Shavano Park CA, we can improve any smile with the

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9 Things To Know About CEREC Crowns

Dental crowns are an important restoration commonly used in dentistry to protect or repair a tooth. Making them used to take weeks or months, but CEREC crowns from William J. Stewart Jr. DDS in San Antonio have sped the process up. A crown is placed over the top of a tooth that has been damaged

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Why Aren’t Dental Implant Prices Listed Anywhere?

You can’t buy implants at Costco. You can’t compare relative prices on Amazon. The rates aren’t listed on your dentist’s website. There is a reason for this. A tooth implant procedure isn’t one-size-fits-all. The price of a tooth implant depends on many factors. First, let’s define what we are talking about. A dental implant is

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Inlays And Onlays For Custom Same-Day Tooth Restorations

At William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we perform many tooth restorations for urgent care patients. We’ve been restoring teeth since 1981 for our valued patients. We fill cavities. We repair broken teeth. We place dental implants after a tooth extraction. Regardless of the extent of the tooth damage—or if the

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Schedule Your Coronation with Dental Crowns in San Antonio

We treat all of our patients like royalty here at William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, but some of them receive actual crowns. We’re not talking about crowns a king or queen wears, but dental crowns in San Antonio for your teeth! If you live near San Antonio, William J. Stewart

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Restore Or Replace: Restorative Dentistry in San Antonio

There is more than one way to fix a tooth. If you are the lucky owner of perfect teeth, you may never need any of these procedures. But, if you are like a lot of our San Antonio patients, you may need to restore a tooth eventually. This post looks at restorative dentistry procedures that

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Royalty At William J. Stewart Jr. DDS Advanced Family & Cosmetic Dentistry In San Antonio

When Dr. William Stewart crowns one of our patients, the coronation is a celebration of a stronger smile. The necessity of a dental crown is usually readily apparent. Based on how much tooth is available to hold in a filling, sometimes a crown is needed to add more support and to keep the tooth from

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