Dentist in San Antonio

When it Comes to Your Smile, Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle for a Smile You Aren’t Happy With No one likes to settle for less than the best, especially with something as important as your smile. Dr. Levi Jurich of Jurich Dental in San Antonio has the solutions for your smile problems. Fixing Small Chips and Cracks Can Work Wonders You don’t have to

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Ditch the DIY Dental With Jurich Dental in San Antonio, Texas

The internet is a treasure trove of information, but when it comes to your oral health, not everything you read online is accurate or safe. While it might be tempting to try home remedies for dental issues, visiting a qualified dentist at Jurich Dental in San Antonio, Texas is the only way to ensure proper

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How Does Your Overall Health Affect Your Smile?

Hi! I’m Dr. Levi Jurich, a dentist. I can be found at my San Antonio dental practice almost every day treating patients with tooth and gum problems or helping them prevent them. Many common medical conditions pose a risk to oral health. 1) San Antonio diabetes patients with high blood glucose often have a higher risk

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What If My Dental Crown Cracks, Comes Loose, or Comes Off?

What do you do if your dental crown moves or comes off completely? It may have broken or come off while brushing, flossing, or even simply eating. If this has happened to you, don’t stress Jurich Dental is here for you. Here is what to do if your crown comes off. There are three steps:

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Bad Breath Is No Fun

Imagine you are starting a new job and are going to speak with your new boss for the first time. Confidence is key to your success. As you reach out to shake the extended hand your broad confident smile exposes rows of pearly white teeth, yet when you open your mouth to exchange greetings you

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Foaming At The Mouth: Are You Brushing Right?

One key to activating the value of toothpaste is creating foam when effectively brushing. In today’s post from Jurich Dental, let’s discuss the unique role of foam. Get that foam foaming Working up a good foam is brought about by pre-wetting the toothbrush, then attacking at a 45 rather than 90-degree angle. The foaming assists

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What Do You Do If You Get Something Stuck Between Your Teeth?

Men and women get food stuck in and between their teeth all the time. Most of the time it is not a problem to get the food unstuck with floss or a toothbrush and move on with your day. However, once in a while, there is a pesky piece of food that seems practically impossible

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Think It’s Not Necessary To Replace Missing Back Teeth in San Antonio?

Some people who lose a posterior tooth question whether to replace it. After all, it doesn’t show when you smile and there are other teeth to take over the chewing functions. Why not avoid the cost of replacing it and save some money? Actually, there are several critical reasons to replace a back tooth with

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There Is Hope For Denture Wearers

The condition of your teeth has a significant impact on your health and happiness. Denture wearers understand this all too well. The path from a healthy mouth to a toothless mouth is downhill. Tooth decay and gum disease are painful. Treatment such as fillings and root canals can strain the budget. If the teeth can’t be

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Use Flex Account Funds For Dental Care in San Antonio

If you have money in your San Antonio flexible spending account you may want to schedule some cosmetic dentistry at Jurich Dental before the deadline. Remember, you lose any funds left over after the plan year ends. Why not improve your smile with tax-free dollars? Even a small change can make a big difference in

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